Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Update from Clinic

So I just talked to our NP and she wants to up Clays anti rejection med to 5 pills twice a day. That is more than double. She said it is fairly common for a cold to stop med absorption. So we are going up. She also wants us back Friday instead of Monday. Not a big deal and it should be fine.
How does 3,000 calories sound. That is how many cals they want Clay eating every day. I said That's a lot of cereal. He lost four pounds and if he doesn't gain weight they are talking about putting an NG tube in his tummy through his nose. His response was Like hell your putting that in me. So I told him to EAT MORE. I think it helped he hasn't stopped snacking all afternoon.
My heart goes out to a friend today. A friend that Lily played softballs big sister, Marie. She had a really good friend who lost her battle to a brain cancer this week. I did not know the girl but I know Marie and she has a broken heart. This cancer is a horrible horrible disease who at one time or another has affected us all. Some closer than others. I urge you to support your local cancer research centers. The only way to stop this evil is to find a cure. I pray for Marie and her friends family to find peace and comfort.
Love to all, enjoy your summer,

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